Vishwa Star Ki Shirsh Paanch Kahaniyan - विश्व स्तर की शीर्ष पांच कहानियाँ
Magical Creatures of Mumbai’s Underbelly: Urban Fantasy Shorts
That is how I became A SANYASI
The World’s Oldest, Most Powerful Secret Society
Emails from Nani
Ashtavakra - The Vedic Sage
The Coercion: A Corporate War ... Gone Ugly
The Last Witch of Sumer
the believers ...a story of firm believers
Dream Beyond Shadows: No Ordinary Tourist
A Christmas Carol
Ujali Kiranein
Soonee Kokh
Anita: End of a Beginning
Hints for Happy Living
The Need of Vastu Shastra
Literati - The South Asian Award for Micro Fiction Season 2, 2019
Amour: A tale of two lost souls
Hero of the Oceans
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