Soch: Kaav Sangreh

  • ₹ 250.00

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This a collection of punjabi poems based on different emotions and thoughts prompted by personal experiences of the poet and solitary moments. The book contains poems on multiple topics which include family, sikh community, Punjab's culture and history and many more.

About the Author: Bhavjot Singh is a science student who loves to blog and and write poems as a hobby. Born and brought up in the beautiful state of Punjab, Bhavjot loves Punjabi culture has a keen interest sufi music. He has been running two blogs since he was in 8th grade, writing about technology, social practicies and culture. He loves to vibe to his slectively picked playlist and make a digital art while sipping a cup of coffee in his spare time.

  • Paperback: 56 pages
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing; 1 edition (2022)
  • Author: Bhavjot Singh
  • ISBN-13: 9781636405674
  • Product Dimensions:  5 x 1 x 8 Inch

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