Witness To A Passing Show : Triloknath's Odyssey of SELF realization

Witness To A Passing Show : Triloknath's Odyssey of SELF realization

  • ₹ 350.00

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In quest of self identity, Triloknath trudges along formidable trek of a wandering mind. Forming enduring friendships in school, he transforms a country bred yokel into a city bonded gentleman.

On arriving in the wonderland of Capital Project, he finds Chandigarh to be a soulless city abounding in 'Harian Jhadhrian', green undergrowth and 'Chittian Dharhian', white haired persona. Married to a blind date, he turns his relationship with Kamladevi into a life long honeymoon in the life mores of Shiva and Shakti.

Often mired in duality of thought and action, he prefers to suffer personal loss rather than lose faith in essential virtuosity of human nature. Impulsive, impromptu, inquisitive and unguarded, he stands by righteousness in an effort to live a truthful but a hard up life. Believing in karmic account, the playboy resolves to better his life through extant karma.

On the way, he encounters many a coercive force; antagonism, oppression, betrayal, improbity apart from avaricious contentions; lust, wrath, greed, fixations, ego but carries on his crusade undaunted. Weak of mind but strong of will he leads the reader through various facets of ripples of mind to present meaningful insight into the passing show of tumultuous existence.

Weaving delusions of splendour and illusions of oblivion into fabric of diverse colours of people, situations, myths and legends, author records his experiences to reveal that throes of a serene life may lead a concerned reader on to an odyssey of SELF realization.

  • Paperback: 288 pages
  • Publisher: Self Published (February 17, 2015); First edition (2015)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-13: 978-1634152341
  • Product Dimensions: 12.7 x 20.3 x 1.5 cm

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