Failure: The Ultimate Formula to Succeed

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The title “FAILURE THE ULTIMATE FORMULA TO SUCCEED” is in a nutshell a positive approach to dealing with any predicament one finds themselves in and not to focus on the negative sentiments people will make or how long it may take for you to get out of that situation. In here Abel Simfukwe tries to give an insight into the acronym of the word “FAILURE” in relation to “SUCCESS”. i.e he breaks down the word as follows:

F – FOCUS: Remain focused and ensure that you work on your weaknesses and/or mistakes so that success is certain

A – ATTITUDE: Our attitude ought to be right towards hurdles of life, having the right state of mind when solving the problem at hand.

I – INTROSPECTION: A serious, detailed, thorough and radical examination of oneself – that’s introspection.

L – LEARN: Learning should be an everyday experience. A person only grows, improves and does better when they commit themselves to some kind of learning.

U – UNDERSTANDING: Is getting the concept and details of what you are learning in order to appreciate the lesson or topic, interpreting and explaining what you have studied in your own words without changing its meaning.

R – RESILIENCE: The spirit of saying I can do it, damn the circumstances. The ability to bounce back.

E - EXTRAORDINARY: To be extraordinary is to be exceptionally different.

About the Author: Abel simfukwe was born on 15th August, 1984 on the copperbelt province of Zambia in the city of Kitwe. He is the fifth born in a family of seven. He did his primary education at Ndeke Basic and RiverRain primary schools. He attended his Junior secondary school at the then Wusakile Basic School from 1998 to1999 and went on to do his senior secondary school at Kitwe Boys Secondary from 2000 to 2002. In 2011, he enrolled at Nkana College of Nursing to do a three year registered nursing program and graduated in 2014 with a Diploma. In 2018, he authored his first book “GRATIFICATION AT LAST”. In 2019, he was awarded a fellowship in oncology for nurses to go to India. He is currently working for the Republic of Zambia under the ministry of health as a registered nurse and married to Caroline Phiri Simfukwe.


  • Paperback: 52 pages
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing; 1 edition (2019)
  • Author: Abel Simfukwe
  • ISBN-13: 9789389530384
  • Product Dimensions:  12.7 x 1 x 20.3 cm

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