Mastering Your Life Abridged

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When will you decide that life is not meant to be merely endured but instead to be deeply enjoyed? Too many people are living in constant stress, running on autopilot and relying on outdated habits that were formed out of fear just to survive the demands of modern life. We surrender to old routines and settle for familiar outcomes, no matter how stagnant, just to get by. When all we can focus on is our basic survival, we end up abandoning our dreams, losing sight of who we are, and our lives go unfulfilled.

What if I told you that you could break this cycle by accepting that you deserve the awesome joys of life? Finding the courage to change can be scary because it requires you to let go of your old reliable perspectives and trust the invisible power to transform that vibrates within you: pure consciousness. In this book, you will learn practices to replace your unhelpful beliefs by rewiring your brain. You will literally be changing your mind so that you can change your life. Choosing this journey of self-discovery is the first step towards Mastering Your Life.

When you continuously feed your heart and mind with high vibrational thoughts, you strengthen the neural pathways that lead to joy. Your every cell will resonate with all you have always wanted, attracting your desired life into your reality. You will ascend into the best version of yourself — the most authentic and the most fulfilled.

About the Author: Malti Bhojwani is a self-awareness and transformation author, coach, and workshop facilitator. She uses experiences from her life journey, analogies, quotes, and neuroscience research to help her readers find their unique insights towards life mastery. Malti has been serving professionals, entrepreneurs, homemakers, and leaders through their metamorphoses since the late '90s. She is a senior advisor of cultural transformation to organizations and consultancy firms.

  • Paperback: 112 pages
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing; 1 edition (2021)
  • Author: Malti Bhojwani
  • ISBN-13: 9781636404097
  • Product Dimensions:  5 x 1 x 7 Inches

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