Cidvijñānasūtram - Science of Causcitology

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Modern sciences have been confined to the study of matter, mass or energy while Indian epistemology since the Vedas has been seeking something deeper i.e. cit(चित् ) a word most frequently used in all the systems of Indian Philosophy. Unfortunately the word cit has been translated as consciousness which is as faulty as to use the word well for an ocean. Cit is not a function of the brain, it is rather a causative force which runs through all the cosmic phenomena. cidvijñānasūtram is an effort to condense all the theories and sciences related to the element of cit. This treatise does not claim to be the last word on the science of Causcitology (a new word coined by me), it is an invitation to go deeper than matter or energy. Cit is more than consciousness or neurology. It survives the body and the cosmos. Once we know it, all mysteries of the universe may be solved. It will surely open a new vista of illumination and understanding.

  • Hardback: 384 pages
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing; 1 edition (September 2024)
  • Author: Manmohan Lal Goswami
  • ISBN-13: 9788119510610
  • Product Dimensions: 6 x 9 inch

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