Divinity’s Doorless Dome: An Anthology of Poems

  • ₹ 149.00

Divinity’s Doorless Dome is an anthology of poems of different genres. The collection spans nearly 50 years of the poet’s work beginning in 1969. These verses are the result of an unbroken contemplative apprehension of the Spiritual Realities as extant and encountered during workaday existence but rarely experienced due to our own rushed rat race in a bog of disordered aimlessness.

The stupefying thrill that ensues from such random running convinces the unthinking-unfeeling modern man that something great is happening. He does not “stop and stare” until he finds the stress and distress too much to handle and lands up on the psychiatrist’s couch. Millions end up in the graveyard following suicide or selfie deaths.

Man’s self-induced sickness has gone viral across the globe equalising by its macabre levelling humans who had for centuries suffered discrimination of their own making. Going by Albert Einstein’s quote, “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe”, the poet has subtly hinted that ‘stupidity’, not ‘democracy’ or ‘socialism’, is the great equaliser insofar as the surrender of our power to think has been sacrificed at the altar of mindless materialism.

He has captured all this and more in evocative language, fresh metaphors, and tell-tale imagery with rare insight and holistic perspective. The revealing message of some of the poems written four decades ago strikes one as doomsday prophesy!

  • Paperback: 108 Pages
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing ; 1 edition (2018)
  • Author: Dr SS Bhatti
  • ISBN-13: 9789387193321
  • Product Dimensions:  17.8 x 0.3 x 10.2 cm

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