Comparative Study of C++, Java and PHP
Nowadays programmers are encouraged or gets opportunity to learn more than one Object Oriented Languages which include C++, JAVA and PHP, in such cases this book gives an wonderful learning capability in short time by comparing all the features of Languages. We used C++11, Java6/7 and PHP5.4/5.5 for compiling C++, JAVA and PHP programs respectively. This book concentrates on comparing Basic Language features, Frequently Asked Questions, and Aptitude Questions with syntaxes and examples wherever required. The author will appreciate the suggestions or feedback from the readers and users of this book, kindly communicate via email addresses chandrakant.naikodi@yahoo.in,gmail.com,facebook.com.
- Paperback: 276 pages
- Publisher: White Falcon Self Publishing Platform; 1 edition (2016)
- Author: Chandrakant Naikodi, Suresh L & Badrinath G Srinivas
- ISBN-13: 978-1943851690
- Product Dimensions: 21.6 x 0.8 x 27.9 cm
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