Electronic Procurement Practices on Supply Chain Performance: Sugar Processing Firms, Focus Study

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In Kenya, manual systems have been a source of major inefficiencies in the regulation and operations of the procurement function. Therefore there is need to adopt ICT in order to ensure proper functioning of the procurement system. To meet today’s operating challenges, Government institutions are turning to ICT to improve the services for suppliers and other customers in order to lower operating costs and improving performance. Online communication, online tender advertising and computerized tendering process influences performance of the procurement function.

The purpose of this study was to establish the influence of E-procurement practices on supply chain performance of sugar processing firms in Kenya guided by four specific objectives, to establish the influence of electronic tendering practice on supply chain performance of sugar processing firms, to evaluate the influence of electronic order processing practice on supply chain performance of sugar processing firms, to assess the influence of electronic material management practice on supply chain performance of sugar processing firms and to find out the influence of electronic supplier management practice on supply chain performance of sugar processing firms.

About the Author: Dr. Evans Biraori Oteki, currently a procurement lecturer at Murang’a University of Technology and consultant of public procurement was born in 1970. He holds Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Nairobi (UoN), masters of Science in Procurement & Logistics and a Ph.D. in supply chain management from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology (JKUAT). He has published 22 papers of his work relating procurement with referenced International Journals. He has wide experience spanning the public, quasi-public, private and NGO sector. His consultancy assignments include Kenya Government institutions and ministries and other countries of the African continent. Most of his research centers on public procurement performance.


  • Paperback: 90 pages
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing; 1 edition (2020)
  • Author: Dr. Evans Biraori Oteki
  • ISBN-13: 9789389932911
  • Product Dimensions:  15.9 x 1 x 22.8 cm

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