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Unfinished is a collection of poems that depicts the stages of pain and love that every person undergoes several times in their life. It has been split into four bittersweet chapters, each chapter addressing a different issue and attempting to ensure that the readers are not alone in their struggle. Each poem tells a story that could not be said out loud or otherwise and is inspired by the experiences of the author and the people around her. Unfinished is a journey that takes the reader through the beginning of pain and its traumatic battles to the realization of self-love, worth and acceptance.

About the Author: Kamakshi Gupta, the author of Unfinished, is currently 16 years old and residing in Bangalore, India. She has been an avid reader since she first learnt how to read, always trading other activities for the time to curl up on her bed and read instead. Kamakshi sparked an interest in writing while she was in middle school and has been enthusiastic about it ever since. Poetry has been a recent finding for her yet has become an effective form of catharsis. Kamakshi’s poems reflect her experiences through her 16 years of personal and social life, as well as the suffering and strength of those around her, as she is a very observant person by nature. Through her book, Kamakshi hopes to reach out to the people who have suppressed their voice and hold out a helping hand to those in need.


  • Paperback: 158 pages
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing; 1 edition (2018)
  • Author: Kamakshi Gupta
  • ISBN-13: 978-9388459181
  • Product Dimensions: 12.7 x 0.5 x 20.3 cm

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