Looking Glass: Reflections in Verse

Looking Glass: Reflections in Verse

  • ₹ 125.00

The function of poetry like painting or any work of art lies simply not only in the manifestation of creativity but in also educating the reader about the social, emotional, physical and spiritual states that influences it. 'Looking Glass- Reflections in verse' as the title suggest brings forth to the reader a picture of life in its truest forms.The picture of decay,crime,pollution, corruption, death etc portrayed serves to expose the concept of a modern lifestyle that prides itself on advancement and technology, while concealing the moral degradation that results in a compromised way of life. The book represents pictures displayed in the gallery of everyday life where versified thoughts recollected in a state of turmoil are presented to the reader, to awaken their rational minds to the kind of world we live in. The poems in the book also serve as constant reminders that the world ticks away, waiting to explode unless we speak and act. We need to understand that the world belongs to no one in particular, but to humanity as a whole whereby each generation is endowed the responsibility of preserving and shaping it for a better tomorrow. This responsibility ranges from the preservation of traditions, cultures, ethics that defines a land and a race of people to the larger picture which includes the preservation of the environment in the midst of all the technological advancement made in many areas. The book also contains poetry with its foundation based on family to highlight the importance of family in the modern day world. There is no relationship important as one shared between a husband and a wife, or between parents and their children. In a world dominated by anti social issues that threaten to destroy a society, the presence of a close knitted family foils the same and render them futile. The book is a representation of life as seen and witnessed besides echoing a need for change, for a realisation of objectives and responsibilities.


  • Author: Rangehbok Lyngwa
  • Paperback: 60 pages
  • Publisher: Self Published; 1 edition (2014)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1634157265
  • ISBN-13: 978-1634157261
  • Product Dimensions: 20.3 x 12.7 x 0.3 cm

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