IELTS Mantra - You Can Score 9 Bands - Reading | Listening | Writing | Speaking

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This book is a complete guide for INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE TESTING students who would like to score 9 bands in their IELTS test. This book comprises not only all four test modules with modern approach but also expatiate all the minor details in consummate manner. This book is written after the deep research on all the four modules and after taking students experience and requirements, this book is been made and designed. the most scintillating factor in this book is short examples about all kind of questions to make students undestand easily about all the concepts. this book is a bouque of different walks of life. it starts with the explanation of mystry in which it is explained that how we can score 8 bands in just 60 seconds and some motivational stories. it also describes the X-FACTORS of success, Anecdotes of successful students and stress management chapters.

  • Paperback: 176 pages
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing; 1 edition (December 2024)
  • Author: Deepak Chhatri
  • ISBN-13: 9789348199898
  • Product Dimensions: 6 x 9 inch

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