Neural Based Machine Translation and Its Evaluation

  • ₹ 275.00

The book Machine Translation and its Evaluation delves into the word of language translation, an important application of natural language processing and computational linguistics. It provides a comprehensive overview of the methodologies and technologies that are essential to drive the language translation system.

The book examines the historical evaluation of MT, from rule based to neural network-based translation and highlights the research carried out in this domain. A dedicated section in the later part of the chapters discusses the importance of measuring the translation quality by different automatic evaluation metrics and improving model performance.

The book is an outcome of research carried out in this domain for English- Bangla language pair by the author and will be helpful for those who want to explore more in this area.

  • Paperback: 100 pages
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing; 1 edition (December 2024)
  • Author: Gautam Datta
  • ISBN-13: 9789348199287
  • Product Dimensions:  7 x 1 x 10 Inch

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