Management From Heart - Inspirations Volume 1

  • ₹ 270.00

This is introduction to a new management concept “MANAGEMENT FROM HEART”. It is a compilation of experiences which I collected during my 33 years’ experience in industry starting as a trainee and moving up to the level of Vice President and also being an entrepreneur. It is also a confession of GenX submitted to millennials and GenZ, sharing a series of unlearning’s and re-learnings. A practical analysis of day-to-day human management issues. A bridge between the great entrepreneurs of a period before 1950s to connect to the new generation today. A thought that moves management away from war and sports scenario and attempts to make it more human because

Business is done by Humans
Business is done for Humans
Business is done thru Humans

This is an attempt to move away from competition, targets and short-sighted approaches to a more realistic comparative THE LIFE itself. For me business and management are more related to LIFE and family. A variance from cumbersome systems and jargons to basic human common sense.

About the Author: AB-MFH – Anil Kumar Bhatia (Management From Heart)
A Chemical Engineer with 33 years of learning and practical practicing period.

During this period, I learnt, practiced & implemented various management techniques and practices. With primary exposure to steel making, it was a journey from Supervisor, to Manager, to Project leader, to Entrepreneurship, to Marketing, to Plant Head...

First 15-20 years were dedicated to learning about Management through teachers, trainers, books and practical implementation of the learnt concepts. After 2005, I started building my own style of management, which is now: “MANAGEMENT FROM HEART”.

All my experiences which I collected during this 15year period blossomed into this concept. Now, my aim is to share the intricacies of this concept with Millennials/Gen Y and Gen Z. My 33years experience taught me that somewhere the takeover of Gen X, my generation, from our parents was not perfect. Further, experience & exposure of our generation created a shift between what we are & what we pretend to be.

The concept of “MANAGEMENT FROM HEART” is an attempt to bring back the unity of "Head & Heart" into the world of management.

  • Paperback: 126 pages
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing; 1 edition (2022)
  • Author: Anil Kumar Bhatia
  • ISBN-13: 9781636406077
  • Product Dimensions:  5.5 x 1 x 8.5 Inch

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