Milo the Cat

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Milo the Cat – A day out

Milo is a gentle and friendly cat. Unfortunately, her master, Milton, would always have a busy schedule at work that kept him out of the house the entire day long. As a result, he would return home exhausted each day, making it difficult for him to take Milo out for a stroll.

Milo would spend most of her day near a windowpane, sleeping or watching passers-by walking across the road and small children playing and cycling in the park nearby.

How did she wish she could stroll out and have fun?

On one busy day, Milton accidentally leaves the door open while rushing out for work. Milo, in curiosity, took a bold step to venture out, she was sceptical and scared at first, but the excitement to wonder out made her eager to step out of the house.

She finds herself lost and scared. She does not know her way back home. The only place she remembers is the bakery her master would often take her, the only route she was acquainted with. So, she heads for the bakery.

Milo has an adventurous day of having fun in the park and getting wet in the rain.
Along the way, she meets Rinky the rat; they become friends. She helps Rinky rescue his friends trapped in the bakery. Unfortunately, the Baker catches her and calls her master, who rushes to the bakery to pick her up.

Her master realizes that he needs to give more time to Milo and eventually makes time for her and takes her for a stroll in the park as part of his daily routine.

Milo is happy, she now can stretch herself in the park and met her new friends.

About the Author: My mum is my biggest inspiration. I was the eldest child and her only support. My dad, most of the time, was away at work making ends meet. Each night, she would tell us short bedtime stories, and we would eagerly hear her narrate the stories without interrupting.

Down the years, now that I have grown older and have a child of my own, I still remember each night my toddler son would plead for a bedtime story, and each night, like any other parent, I’d make up my own bedtime fairy-tale stories; he would listen attentively, interrupt, and even reason with questions, silly ones mostly. He would get more excited than sleepy and would demand more. Many a times, I would narrate the same short stories that I read from his collection of children’s storybooks.

Now my son is in his teens, and I miss those beautiful days where I’d relive my childhood with him!

Memories are indeed our gift for life.

Over the years, I have always wanted to write children’s stories. I’m very much fascinated with animals, especially cats and dogs—humans’ closest friends.

I actively participate in rescuing abandoned dogs and cats, look out for families to adopt them, and give them a home. I also support social shelters for homeless animals in the best capacity that I can. Of course, it’s a losing battle, but I strive to take small and meaningful steps in helping animals.

I always wanted to write children’s stories and let my imagination run wild.


  • Paperback: 38 pages
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing; 1 edition (2021)
  • Author: Salim K Luke
  • ISBN-13: 9781636403700
  • Product Dimensions:  7 x 1 x 10 Inch

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