Socrates Simplified - Life & Career Lessons from The Greatest Philosopher That Ever Lived

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Socrates is arguably the greatest philosopher that ever lived. The impact that his teachings have had, and continue to have, on the world is unparalleled.

But for all of the socio-political impact his work has had, Socrates and his teaching were also highly pragmatic. His beliefs about how a person should aspire to find their true potential, work towards bettering themselves, and find happiness and contentment, are relevant even today – thousands of years after his death.

This book is an attempt to distil some of his most profound yet practical teachings.

If you are looking to become better at whatever you are doing, this book provides some simple lessons and steps to help you on your journey.

About the Author: Krishnadas J. is an entrepreneur, teacher, and trainer. He has trained and coached over 10,000 individuals to improve their productivity, leadership, and management skills. Over the past 15 years, he has worked with several government PSUs, multi-national corporations, and owner-driven companies, strengthening their people processes. Krishnadas is passionate about helping individuals identify and fulfil their potential.

  • Paperback: 182 pages
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing; 1 edition (2023)
  • Author: Krishnadas J.
  • ISBN-13: 9788196357177
  • Product Dimensions:  4.37 x 1 x 7 Inches

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