You Will Die!

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YOU WILL DIE! is a book that unveils the hard truth about life, and guides you to use the same truth, to make your life everything you want it to be.

How regrets can accompany you to your grave, and how life can be a blessing and a curse.
The book answers everything!

It holds answers to even those questions, that you never dared to ask, but always kept searching for, deep down.

Can Death make you immortal?

Let’s find out…

About the Author: Samradni Gawde is a 21 year old student, currently pursuing her Masters in Business Administration.

She is a Psychic, Tarot Reader and a Spiritual Advisor.

She is passionate about music, travelling, poetry and fashion.


  • Paperback: 264 pages
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing; 1 edition (2021)
  • Author: Samradni Gawde
  • ISBN-13: 9781636403205
  • Product Dimensions:  5.5 x 1 x 8.5 Inch


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