English-Hindi Dictionary for School Students

English-Hindi Dictionary for School Students

  • ₹ 490.00

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This dictionary has been compiled with the objective of enabling readers easily comprehend the meaning of a word with the help of the genesis of the word using  prefix,suffix, and root employed to frame the word. This will help readers understand the word lucidly,and need not cram its meaning. It is needless to say that  one cannot improve one's word power by cramming meanings of words, which will rapidly slip off the memory. But, if geneses of the words are clearly understood using roots from which these words have been derived,the meanings are permanently etched in the memory. With this objective,i have listed the roots of the words  with which various words are framed by using suitable prefixes and suffixes in the very beginning of the book. Apart from this exercise, I have compared and contrasted a word,wherever applicable, with synonyms and antonyms, and the nuances of meanings by using these words  in apt sentences. This makes one understand the difference in situations in which particular synonym is applicable.If interchanged, the whole import of the word  becomes ludicrous. The beauty of using appropriate synonym in sentences has to be appreciated for ornamental touch in English language. Lastly, since this book has target readers from Hindi speaking region, almost each word carries meaning in Hindi also, as well as the use of the word in suitable sentences in English has been translated in Hindi sentences also, so that the greenhorns do not face problems in understanding the meanings as well as its application in sentences.

  • Author: Dr. B.B. Sinha
  • Pages: 336
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Size: 8.5x11
  • ISBN: 978-1-943851-34-8
  • Category: English Language and Literature Studies
  • Language: English

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