New Approaches to Academic and Administrative Audits of colleges

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The present book is an honest attempt made by Dr. Deshpande… to guide the HEIs to evolve with the mechanism of Academic and Administrative Audits as recommended by NAAC in criterion six of Quality Indicator Framework… Bringing out a book on such an important topic and suggesting a systematic procedure to be adopted to streamline the process of documentation and correcting the policies as per the recommendations of the auditors may help institutions to get ready for next cycle of assessment and accreditation of NAAC…

This innovative book on AAA is meant for all types of colleges in India…practically useful to all principals/ directors of HEIs, IQAC directors, registrars or office superintendents…

I extend my best wishes to the author and request the HEIs to adopt the culture of auditing the initiatives undertaken for quality education at their level. This book may provide guidance in this regard."
- Dr. S. C. Sharma
Director, NAAC , Bengaluru.

About the Author: Dr. H. V. Deshpande, the former Principal of Ajara College, Ajara, Dist. Kolhapur (M.S.) was the founder member and working president of the ‘Sindhudurg Sahitya Sangh, Sawantwadi, Secretary of All India Marathi Natya Sammelan, Sawantwadi, Member of the Senate, Academic Council of the Shivaji University, Kolhapur, President of S.U. English Teachers’ Association, Kolhapur, recipient of ‘Gunvant Shikshak Puraskar’, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, two ‘Olive I Reddick Awards’ of the Indian Association for American Studies and State Award for Excellent NSS work. EC member of the ‘IAAS’ twice and of ‘Indian Colleges Forum’, research guide for Ph.D. students, NAAC assessor; has 36 years degree teaching and 22 years of PG teaching at his credit.

His writing includes 5 books in Marathi and 6 in English. ‘Literature and Literary Criticism: Indian and Western Perspectives, Pearl Buck’s Fiction: East-West Cultural Encounter, Research in Literature and Language, Higher Education in India: New Perceptions and Perspectives, are his major works in English. Editor and translator, he has published papers/articles in journals of reputation in India and abroad.


  • Paperback: 120 pages
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing; 1 edition (2021)
  • Author: Dr. H. V. Deshpande
  • ISBN-13: 9781636402345
  • Product Dimensions:  6 x 1 x 9 Inches

Indian Edition available on:


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