Notes to Myself

  • ₹ 150.00

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Notes to Myself that is in your hands is my tacit tribute to Divine Dispensation that I received in the form of the written word issuing forth from my pen which has flown my name across the globe without me having to spend a single penny on high-budget air-travel and expensive hotel-lodging. You will find in these writings a miscellany of ideas and concepts I have explored, understood, and defined for myself to clear my mind of prejudices and biases with my own homespun philosophy that keeps my gray matter in good cerebral health.

You will find that there are in this collection innumerable one-liners, brief statements, deft definitions, insightful essays, keen observations, and so forth in many different forms of self-expression, including poetry. The range of these writings is fairly wide because there was no premeditation to limit the scope—and I let the afflatus flow through me like a mineral-water spring.

Since this self-assigned exercise has been going on throughout my life I have tasted and tested many things to make them the basis of my reflective writings. If you devote some time to read them with requisite seriousness you surely would be motivated to discover and develop your own innate creativity. If this wishful thinking does come to pass I will feel truly honoured, rewarded, and renewed to carry on writing as my rejuvenating creative self-expression.

  • Paperback: 130 pages
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing ; 1 edition (2018)
  • Author: Dr SS Bhatti
  • ISBN-13: 9789387193840
  • Product Dimensions:  10.9 x 0.5 x 17.7 cm

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