Boosting Brain Power

  • ₹ 395.00

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“Boosting Brain Power shall create a better - Environment, Employment and a Peaceful World.”

The Brain is…the most complex thing we have yet discovered in our universe. It contains billions of cells inter-linked through trillions of connections. The brain boggles the mind.

There is Remarkable Second Brain in the Intestines; it guides what and how much food we should eat?

The Brain constantly changes up to age of 70 – 75 years leading to better memory due to Neuroplasticity. Ageing can be reversed by lifestyle and Nutrition. 

This book will improve how you work – by showing you how your brain works. How women’s and men’s brains process information differently.

The Happy Chemicals are strong motivators to achieve impossible feats.

Simply put, this intriguing book offers fascinating research about the brain’s functions, limitations, and capacities, and it teaches us how you can direct our own brain chemistry in order to achieve fulfillment and success.

How you can develop your mental strength and face up to daunting situations in a way that makes all negative thoughts, and all obstacles encountered into a positive force?

A life-changing book is your key for achieving success in your professional and personal life.

Regarded as a life-changing read by many readers - The book contains 10 chapters on Brain namely Amazing Facts of Brain, The Anatomy of the Brain, The Remarkable Second Brain, Happy Chemicals in the Brain, Boosting Brain Power, Healthy Food-Healthy Brain, Enhancing Mental Health, Think Faster and Accurately, The Extraordinary Power of Mind, Increasing Mental Acuity and 3 chapters on Saving the Ailing Planet, New Employment Technologies and Create a Peaceful World.

  • The chapter on Environment suggests that effort of everybody is needed to save this ailing planet (for Us and Our Children).
  • About 30-40 crore are young ambitious, well educated work force in India. ‘New Employment Technologies’ Chapter guides about the Future Jobs. Emotion is what will drive the future jobs.
  • ‘Peaceful World’ chapter guides, how to Control Anger, having Inner Peace and a Peaceful World. We can only change the world little by little.
  • Audio Sound Tracks - The book also contains One Link for ‘Boosting Brain Power and is Good for Study’ and Second Link for ‘A Peaceful World’.

A beautiful, perfect for sharing and gift-giving brought to life with B&W and partially-coloured editions with practical highly motivating stories and quotes of reputed leaders / persons.

This is Black and White Book


  • Paperback: 274 pages
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing; 1 edition (2021)
  • Author: Prabhat Chadha
  • ISBN-13: 9781636401836
  • Product Dimensions:  5.5 x 1 x 8.5 Inches

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