Forever & Beyond That
This story is a love story but they are divided by ambition and the world coming in between them. It revolves around 2 main characters Mehi & Harald. Mehi is the daughter to husband and wife in Iran who are nuclear scientists and even Mehi becomes a nuclear scientist and one who is destined to find the next source of energy for the world. Harald is the son of the wealthiest money lender in Germany, an ambitious boy at a very young age he forms his own bank. The story than revolves around Czia the face of the invisible hand who gives Harald a dream of One World, One Corporate and One Currency and how Harald with his friends from all across the globe each special in their own way is able to bring the world together in time.
- Author: Jay Satham
- Paperback: 123 pages
- Publisher: Self Published; 1 edition (2014)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1630414972
- ISBN-13: 978-1630414979
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