JAVA 8 : Test Your Aptitude
Java is object oriented programming language and is widely use for developing applications. From programmers point, it is robust, provides flexibility and vast. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to all the concepts of Java and also gives the differences between the concepts. Further for clarity and comfort of the reader, some tricky programming examples are provided and these examples covers concepts in considerable depth, yet makes their design and analysis accessible to all levels of readers. Examples are described such that it understood by anyone who has done little programming. But, depth of coverage or mathematical logic is not sacrificed. This book concentrates on comparing basic language features, frequently asked questions and aptitude questions with syntax and examples wherever required. The text is intended to academic students, fresh graduates and professionals. For fresh graduates, it discusses Java concepts as well as subtle tricks of using the concepts. Further, this book gives learning in short time by highlighting all features of Java language. This book provides more than 200 examples which are compiled using Java-7/8. We have designed this book to be both versatile and complete. For academic students, this textbook provides enjoyable introduction to the Java concepts. We have attempted to make every programming example interesting. To help academic students unfamiliar or difficult algorithms, we have attempted to describe each one in a step-by-step manner. We also provide careful explanations to understand the program. For professionals, the wide range of examples for each concept the subtle tricks, makes it an excellent handbook. Most of the programming examples and differences that have been discussed have great practical utility. We therefore address implementation concerns and other engineering issues. The authors will appreciate the suggestions or feedback from readers and users of this book. Kindly communicate your suggestions or comments through the following email addresses chandrakant.naikodi@fyahoo.in,gmail.comg.
- Paperback: 278 pages
- Publisher: White Falcon Self Publishing Platform; 1 edition (2016)
- Author: Chandrakant Naikodi, Suresh L & Badrinath G Srinivas
- ISBN-13: 978-1943851676
- Product Dimensions: 21.6 x 0.8 x 27.9 cm
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