Practical Life Cycle of Electricity Production from Photo voltaic Power Plant-PV Concept Made Easy

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Introducing the book- “Practical Life Cycle of Electricity Production From Photo Voltaic Solar Power Plant” By A.S.Kapur. His earlier books on PV Solar Power Plants are a great success and are much in demand.

This book, written in simple layman’s language covering very basics of solar energy, is a great help to those who want to-;

1. Gain In depth practical knowledge of solar PV plants- MW size, Grid connected or Rooftop plants.
2. Solar power professionals, engineers and contractors who are working in the solar energy sector.
3. Investors in solar energy.
4. A practical guide for ITI, Diploma, B.Tech Graduates, who want to work in the solar industry.
5. Textbook for researchers, who want research in Renewable energy, solar energy and power systems.

Lot of theories on this subject are available in the libraries and also on the Internet. But not much is available on the practical aspect of the solar power plants. The author inserted and supreme posed his actual field experience of designing, constructing, commissioning, operating and maintaining solar PV power generating plants on the world's best theories and texts on the subject.The practical meaning of STC, NOCT, Solar Cable, MPPT, PID, Irradiance, Shadow E ect on the plant, Losses, Meteonorm, PVSyst, PR, CUF and many more terms are explained in very simple technical language in this book.

Book chapters are arranged in such a manner that the reader gets the theoretical knowledge at the start and goes on to read deep technical concepts of PV solar plant construction followed by O&M.

As a reference manual on solar energy, this book is intended to set a standard for total engineering of solar energy generation-starting from theoretical concepts to commercial aspects to design to construction guidelines to operation and maintenance and finally leading to complete in depth concept of solar PV power generation. It contains and covers the following technical aspects of PV solar engineering.

- Solar Insolation and the Sun-Earth Geometry
- On-site photovoltaic project assessment, inspection and study by experts
- Designing
- PV system size, main equipments
- Important calculations related to the design of PV Solar power plants
- Quality Assurance Plan for Solar PV projects
- Technical Specifications of Main Equipments
- Works of plant erection testing and commissioning
- Work’s Planning-Site works are divided into three parts
- Item wise guidelines for checks during construction activity-
- Approvals-Pre-Commissioning-Checks-Commissioning-&-Final-Charging of Mw Capacity PV Solar Power Project
- Operation and Maintenance of Mw Capacity Grid Tied Solar PV Power Projects
- Actual Plant Generation Study
- Analysis of major faults in PV solar plant
- Hidden causes of loss of generation in PV solar plants
- Rooftop Solar PV Plants
- Battery Energy Storage system

About the Author: The author of this book, Mr. A.S.Kapur ( is an electrical power generation professional, having more than 30 years in the electrical field. He has worked on power generators of Hydro-electric, Thermal and finally solar. Having retired as Dy. Chief Engineer from Rajasthan State Electricity Board, India. He entered the solar power generation field. His work started with the designing of PV based solar power plants all over India. After Designing he was also involved in the Procurement, Planning, Construction and O&M activities of the solar PV plants. Presently he is heading a team of young engineers who have been trained by him in this field of solar power. He has to his credit about 500MW solar PV plants which are generating at very high PR and CUF.

He was assisted by Mr. Gori Shankar Sharma, M Tech in Power Systems, who was trained by Mr. A.S.Kapur and presently working in PV Solar sector Planning, Designing, Procurement and Construction and O&M.


  • Paperback: 288 pages
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing; 1 edition (2020)
  • Author: A.S. Kapur, Assisted by G. S. Sharma
  • ISBN-13: 9781636400204
  • Product Dimensions:  12.7 x 1 x 20.3 cm

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