The Last Christmas: A Tale of Love & Romance in Tribal India

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Mark is despondent at the turn of events in his life because Patrick, his father, has changed his mind. He disapproves of his son’s fiancée, Elizabeth, saying, ‘How can a Christian boy marry a girl of Sarna faith?’ Mark despairs at the thought that his romantic courtship which began at Santoli Church, grew up in the thickets of Bhairo Pahari and blossomed near the fountains of Kelaghag might come to a tragic end. Though pensive, a smile lights up his otherwise ashen face when he recalls the time and place he had first set his eyes on Elizabeth. He is transported to an enthralling game of cockfight which is taking place in the crowded market of Simdega- a remote place in the tribal heartland of Jharkhand. She appears as a demure yet assertive, vivacious and quick-witted contestant in a male-oriented game. The sight of a spirited Elizabeth holding the game prize of two cockerels in her hands takes Mark’s breath away. Spellbound, he tries to find out more about her…

An intriguing tale of how Mark wins his love and the young couple’s struggle to unite in a tribal society amidst religious confinement, anger and obstructions of their families, and religious tensions which swept their entire village once upon a time…

An extraordinary tale of love & romance set in contemporary India.

About the Author: Though trained as a scientist, Archana Mishra opted for a career in journalism. Her articles have appeared in several Indian national newspapers and magazines including The Times of India, The Telegraph and The Asian Age on subjects relating to education, history, health, environment, witchcraft, gender discrimination and other social issues in the late nineties.

Staying in some of the remote places in the tribal belt of Jharkhand such as Simdega, Khunti and Bokaro for more than a decade helped the author to acquire a deep understanding of the issues affecting the development of the underprivileged tribals living in these areas. She is the author of the critically acclaimed non-fiction, Casting the Evil Eye: Witch Trials in Tribal India (2003).

Archana’s first work of fiction, ‘The Last Christmas,’ highlights the issue of ‘religious conversion and reconversion’ and its devastating effect on the lives of the Adivasis of Jharkhand.

Archana lives in Bengaluru.


  • Paperback: 348 pages
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing; 1 edition (2019)
  • Author: Archana Mishra
  • ISBN-13: 9789389530551
  • Product Dimensions:  13.9 x 1 x 21.5 cm

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