To Buy or Not to Buy a Home

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This book presents valuable insights into when renting fares superior to buying and vice-versa. It covers everything for a prospective buyer or rentee to help them figure how to take the decision of buyinig or renting? What aspects to consider? How to evaluate a prospective property? When the returns on investment turn out to be better through renting and when is it beneficial to buy? How do you know which decision can you better afford in long-term?, and much more, including a comprehensive buying versus.

This book is packed with information vital for taking a conscious decision of staying put on rent or buying a house.

About the Author: A leading entrepreneur, author, thinker and a poet, Sachin is making his compatriots change their concepts and thoughts about financial investment. After having studied both engineering and art, he has become a shining example of the new age economy and operates on a global scale.

His experiences soon brought the realization that in order to succeed in today’s business environment, it was necessary to shift from the old, outdated models of money making to new techniques keeping in mind the ever-changing and fast-paced new business age.


  • Paperback: 140 pages
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing; 1 edition (2019)
  • Author: Sachin Mittal
  • ISBN-13: 9789389530179
  • Product Dimensions:  13.9 x 1 x 21.5 cm

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