Deval Devgiri (Hindi)

Deval Devgiri (Hindi)

  • ₹ 325.00

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Story of young girl caught in the whirlwind of medieval times. Flashing of swords, conquests and abduction of women and plundering of wealth. Beautiful Hindu princes of Anhilwara kingdom, modern Gujarat was caught near Devgiri. This was the time when religion appeared on the scene or there was calling for it, as far as Hindus were concerned. Invading forces of Allauddin conqured the whole of India, all citadels, Chittor, Ranthambhor, Devgiri at the gate of south and Warangal, Dwarsamudra and Madura or forced them to cooperate with Delhi sultanate. Side by side a synthesis two different religions of Hindus and Muslim was going on. This time was a juncture. A medieval autocrat and most cruel who did not spare his own relations and ironically he has been equated near the great Asoka and Akbar. Ancient kingdom of Anhilwara was touched for the first time by invading army and its King was caught totally unaware and had to flee to Devgiri, a friendly kingdom, with her daughter Deval. His queen Kamla fell in the hands of Allauddin's forces and was brought to Delhi. To all those who are interested in the callings of the ruins and diving deep into the history, 700 years back in medieval times, history will come alive in its most vivid manifestation. Collection of events and narrations woven around the life of princess Deval who was brought up in Turkish palaces and grew in the company of eldest prince Khizrkhan, their love and marriage palace intrigues of royal heir to thrown. The story is also linked with the kingdom of Devgiri whose King Ramchandra was forced by Alluddin's forces to cooperate with Delhi forces against his own country kingdoms of Warangal, Dwarsamudra and Madura in south. Elements of lust and conquering others as live in human mind, depicted through contemporary ordinary characters of travelers and their notes, make the history more lively and near to our lives.

  • Author: Ashok
  • Paperback: 356 pages
  • Publisher: Self Published (December 23, 2014) (2014)
  • Language: Hindi
  • ISBN-13: 978-1634156783
  • Product Dimensions: 21.6 x 2 x 14 cm

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