Alchemy of Emotions - Exploring the Transformative Power of Emotions through Poetry

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"Alchemy of Emotions" is a poetic journey into the depths of the human experience, offering a transformative perspective on our intricate emotional world. Like the ancient alchemists who sought to turn lead into gold, this book reveals how we can transform our everyday emotions-both positive and negative-into valuable lessons for personal growth and wisdom. Through introspective and graceful verses, the poems depict a passage from youthful innocence shadowed by a loved one's mental illness to the complex experiences that define self-aware adulthood. Each poem serves as a bridge across the emotional rivers we all traverse, offering solace and connection to those navigating similar waters. "Alchemy of Emotions" extends a heartfelt invitation to embrace the transformative nature of our emotional journey. It weaves a rich tapestry of anxiety, anger, sadness, and recovery, reminding us that profound change emerges from the depths of our own hearts.

  • Paperback: 156 pages
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing; 1 edition (January 2024)
  • Author: Navsheen Kaur
  • ISBN-13: 9798892221672
  • Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5 Inches

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