Beyond Combination
This book is all kind of fiction Adventure, Mystery, Horror, Historical, Superhero, Action, Suspense, Journey and Science fiction. My story is about all the heroes are combining. All of them thought that Sam is dead, all the part is dead but one of the parts is alive now. The part is Viscola, which was in beyond magic. Sam is in the stone again. Five years latter from the journey, Swapnil is going to stay with Juhi. The five years is the perfect time for changing everything. This is last of everything. This is last book of beyond series, where all the entire heroes is together for fight. The heroic power was they come to save the earth from the past, present and future. This will be very fine fight between heroes and Sam's groups. The epic battle is taken place. Swapnil's team, Adawait's team, Arrangg's team, Sukh's team and Chandragupta's team is coming together to protect us from Sam. They form a power of beyond. So this book contain so must fight in between the evil and the good peoples. The story of vampire, werewolf and wizard are also here. The alien is back to help them. This is the final of everything.
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