Sustainable Development in International Higher Education: Strategies for Gender Equality and Empowerment(International Conference Proceedings)
This book is the proceedings of an international conference organized by directorate of international affairs, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi and ICC, Jawahar Lal Nehru University, Delhi to identify critical disruptions/bottlenecks in effective participation and equal opportunities of women in decision making and leadership at all platforms of political, economic and public life, identify sound policies for the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls at all levels and build up collective capacity through knowledge & experience sharing mechanisms. The selected papers from the conference are presented in this proceedings under three themes.
The first theme on gender issues, skill development and higher education for sustainable development includes papers on what factors affect gender equality in higher education, how sustainability in higher education can create path for achieving gender equality, how female education helps deal with crime against women, and what role does higher education play in dealing with gender disparity.
The second theme on gender equality and sustainable development: agenda, issues and challenges is represented through papers on topics like issues, challenges and initiatives to deal with gender inequality in Indian scenario, empirical analysis of gender inequality and economic growth, inclusion through multicultural education, and how to advance gender equality and sustainable development.
The third theme women empowerment: challenges and strategies to attain SDG 5 is reflected through papers on topics covering how gender stereotyping is barrier in women’s advancement, higher education as a platform for women’s empowerment, sustainable healthcare through ICT, gender empowerment and impact investment and finally an analysis of public and private universities in India on how they are contributing to women empowerment and attainment of sustainable development goals.
About the Author: (Editors) 1. Prof. Vijita S. Agarwal- Prof. Vijita S. Aggarwal is Professor in Management and Director International Affairs of Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University. She is a forward-thinking academician with more than 21 years of experience in Industry and Academia. She is a part of Erasmus Mundus and has travelled almost two-third of the globe. In a span of little more than 9 months as Director International Affairs, She has successfully organized more than 10 events like International Conferences, Webinars, Motivational talks, stress management sessions and career guidance sessions for students during pandemic.
2. Prof. A.K. Saini- Prof. Anil K Saini is currently Professor and Dean of the University School of Management Studies (USMS), Director - Industry Interaction Cell and Director-Development of GGSIP University, New Delhi. He is the Member Secretary of Indraprastha Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IIQAC) of the University. He obtained his doctorate degree (Ph.D.) from FMS Delhi University in the area of Information Systems. Before joining USMS, he was holding a senior academic position at FMS, University of Delhi. He carries with him blend of industrial and academic experience of more than 35 years out of which six years in the industry in responsible capacities. Prof. Saini has to his credit sixteen published/edited books and over 110+ papers in national and international journals/conferences. He has travelled extensively abroad and has visited Europe under Teacher-Exchange Programme for teaching courses abroad.
3. Prof. Neena Sinha- Prof. Neena Sinha is serving as Professor at University School of Management Studies, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University. Besides teaching mam is involved in academic administration of the university. She has served as Dean of USMS from August 2017-2020. She has also served as Controller of Finance, Director Development, Member of University Complaints Committee, and Convener of Indraprastha Internal Quality Assurance Cell. She has published over 90 research papers in management journals and proceedings of International Conference.
4. Dr. Shilpa Jain- Dr. Shilpa Jain did her Msc. in Applied Psychology from Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology and PhD in Organizational Behaviour from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University. She is currently working as Assistant Professor in USMS, GGSIPU. She has published and presented more than 100 papers in seminars, conferences/ journals of national and international repute. She has more than 20 years of experience in Research, Behavior Testing and Counselling and more than 14 years of experience in Teaching. Her current areas of interest are: Behavior Testing, Organizational Behavior, Business Research, Business Analytics and Business Communication.
- Publisher: White Falcon Publishing; 1 edition (2021)
- Author: Prof. Vijita S. Aggarwal, Prof. A.K.Saini, Prof. Neena Sinha, Dr. Shilpa Jain
- Co-Author: Prof. A.K.Saini, Prof. Neena Sinha, Dr. Shilpa Jain
- ISBN-13: 9781636403014
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