Watching Insects (Colored)
One of the pleasures of watching nature is getting to know the various life forms that exist around us. The best way of appreciating the natural history is to watch the most abundant of creatures in the environment and to this category belongs insects which consist of almost two-thirds of all moving animals. Many of them occur very proximal to us enabling closer observation and recording. Barring the exceptions like mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches, bed bugs, head lice and fleas a vast majority of insects are either useful or interesting. Insects are so intertwined with plants, soil and other animals in a habitat that watching insects leads us to the entire gamut of life in nature. So, watching insects takes a person very close to nature. This book is written with as minimum jargon as possible, to introduce readers to the world of insects especially students and lay public. However, to avoid certain technical terms is difficult and therefore this may pop up here and there. But a single reading through the book will certainly show how varied insects are and this variation by itself should be a stimulation to go out into nature and watch these creatures. A simple hand lens, pen and pad are all that one requires to watch and record insects. So, Happy Insect-Watching...
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