Essence of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita

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Śrīmad Bhagavad Gītā, an unsurpassable Gaṅgārupa profound Śāstra, part of the Prasthāna-Trayī, provides the lessons of Vyavahārika Vedānta. When one comes on the banks of Gaṅgā with whatever Pātra, one returns with a full Pātra. In the same way, whether one is a Sakāmī, Niṣkāmī, Bhaktimāna, Vairāgyavāna, or Jñānī, taking refuge with one’s Buddhirupa Pātra in the Gaṅgā of Gītārupa Amṛta, one always returns contented, never empty-handed.

This book provides the intrinsic essence of the highest philosophical truths of Gītā intelligible to a layperson eager to understand its meaning and message. The Sanskrit compound words in the seven hundred verses are meticulously uncompounded with the concordance of the verses so that Bhagavāna Śrī Kṛṣṇa’s words are interpreted consistently with the previous and the next verse and chapter from beginning to end, following their real intent. The complete text of Gītā is provided with word-to-word meaning and translation, which enables the reader to reach the original intent of Gītā. The brief glossary and pronunciation guide will also provide guidance.

The book corrects the erroneous views of some modern commentators whose approach has been mainly intellectual and tempered by the contemporary environment have read in the divine words more than the approval of their mental inclinations. Some have made Karma-Yoga (Niṣkāma-Karma, desireless actions devoid of knowledge) and the Yoga of Knowledge and Realization (Sāṅkhya-Yoga, Jñāna-Yoga) two separate subject matters of Gītā by selectively ignoring words and verses that are not consistent with their views and misinterpreting words and verses suitable to their beliefs to formulate two independent paths of liberation. The author’s interpretation provides oneness between Sāṅkhya-Yoga and Karma-Yoga, the oneness between knowledge and Karma. The proper conduct of either is possible only after reaching that state, where the doer of Karma does not stay a doer, his doership-ego with its root nescience is burnt in the fire of knowledge, the relationship of I-ness and mineness in the body, senses, mind, and intellect is removed, and he becomes fit to attain steadfast union with oneness in the pure Ātmā, the Brahman.

About the Author: Bharat C. Patel, D. Eng. Sc., has served with distinction in various executive positions in the New Jersey state government for four decades. He was instrumental in developing and implementing NJ’s sustainable energy, commerce, and economic policies and plans. In addition to publishing numerous policy papers and articles, he has served as an adjunct professor of electrical engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology.

Having learned Sanskrit very young, the author has been a devout student of the Upaniṣads and Śrīmad Bhagavad Gītā for over six decades. He has studied numerous predecessors, including Shri Adi Shankaracharya, Shri Ramanujacharya, and modern scholars like Swami Atmanandji, Swami Vivekananda, Swami Sivananda, Swami Chinmayananda, Shri Bal Gangadhar Tilak, and Dr. Radhakrishnan. In addition to this book, after pondering the essence of Vedic wisdom articulated by the great thinkers, based on a unique depth of learning and judicious discrimination, the author published an extensive commentary in his book “Intent of Śrīmad Bhagavad Gītā.”

An avid world traveler who loves to detail every place he visits, Bharat lives with his wife, Taru, in Washington Crossing, PA, USA.

  • Paperback: 404 pages
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing; 1 edition (2022)
  • Author: Dr. Bharat C. Patel
  • ISBN-13: 9781636407722
  • Product Dimensions:  8.5 x 1 x 11 Inch

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