Spiritual Advancements in the Educational Perspective of Pastoral Community Development with Reference to Vincent de Paul and Thomas Aquinas

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The desire of Catholics to live faithfully, the vocation to the Christian life in the world necessitates nourishment through pastoral care, which, in turn, enriches and strengthens various elements of Christian spirituality significant to their daily life. The idea of spiritual development calls for the varied efforts of the pastoral team. Indeed, to perceive pastoral ministry from the perspective of God’s salvific plan and readiness for reconciliation is a great challenge. Efforts at spiritual education can lead to a greater understanding of the manner in which Jesus is working with individuals and how these individuals can become God’s instruments. As a result, people become more committed to the larger society and, at the same time, develop their spirituality. Therefore, my research on the educational perspective of the pastoral community suggests an emphasis on the spiritual function of many activities related to the teaching and learning process of the basic elements of the Christian life. This process promotes personal and social development, thereby fostering positive, spiritual, and theological attitudes toward a virtuous life. The intended effect of spiritual education in a pastoral context is to deepen the relationship between the pastoral team and the members of a parish so that all are able to carry out their pastoral duties and obligations.

About the Author: Dr. Jaison Ambadan is a Catholic priest and a member of the _Congregation of the Mission_ founded by Saint Vincent de Paul. He was born in Kerala, he completed his 11th and 12th year school studies in Mysuru in Karnataka; obtained a Bachelor of Philosophy in Gopalpur in Orissa, a Bachelor of English Literature in Mahatma Gandhi University in Kerala, a diploma in Theology in Kerala, a Bachelor of Education in Mysuru, a Master of English Literature in Mysuru, a Master of Journalism in Mysuru , a Doctorate in Philosophy in the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany and a Doctorate in theology in WestfaelischeWilhelms-Universitaet Muenster in Germany. He has published a book written in the German language “Meine Freude am Christsein ‘’. Dr. Jai has taught in schools and served in administrative positions as vice-principal and principal. He also has worked as associate pastoral minister. He has worked more than 11 years in Germany. Dr. Jai has a good rapport with the students whom he taught and with the pastoral community where he ministered. His eloquent speeches are well appreciated, and he has given many seminars and orientation programs. His depth of knowledge about spirituality, relation with God and menschen, as well as his liberal understanding of sin, love for the people and his understanding of faith in God are well appreciated. He would even say that to believe in the teachings of Jesus you need not receive baptism but to become a catholic.

  • Paperback: 512 pages
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing; 1 edition (2022)
  • Author: Jaison A.C. Ambadan
  • ISBN-13: 9781636406879
  • Product Dimensions:  6 x 1 x 9 Inch

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