Thousand Gleams - An Anthology

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Thousand Gleams” is author’s first anthology. The book represents his life’s ineffable anguishes, elation and his profound adoration for the beauties of nature. It has vivid ravishing themes of love, hope, despair, remorse, ideal dream, society , life etc. The poems in it, are solely penned down based on his personal experience of life. The Author hopes and believes that readers will find some thought-provoking themes and messages, which they could relate to their personal lives.

About the Author: Mige kambu hails from Arunachal Pradesh, beautifully know as “ Land of Rising Sun” or “ Orchid Paradsie of India. Currently he is pursuing his PhD degree at Rajiv Gandhi University, Rono Hills Doimuk, Arunachal Pradesh. Though he is a Political Science post graduate, his love for literature is enormous. He personally find poetry to be the best way to express his life. Playing with the sheenful words give him placidity and solace. He finds poetry as the healer of his invisble tears and agonies.

  • Paperback: 104 pages
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing; 1 edition (2022)
  • Author: Mige Kambu
  • ISBN-13: 9781636404936
  • Product Dimensions:  5 x 1 x 8 Inches

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