Speak With Confidence

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Have you ever shied away from a project presentation in your class? Have you ever made silly excuses to avoid a seminar presentation at your work place? Have you ever admired someone and wished that if you could speak like him/her? If you are like most people, speaking in public sends shivers down your spine. Many of you would like to avoid this problem entirely by finding some excuses, but this is hard to do in today’s competitive world. Whether we study or work, eventually, we will need to speak in public to get certain tasks accomplished or make our ideas heard. It could be your project presentation in the class room, or doing a welcome speech at the School Annual day functions, or doing a short presentation at your office, or it could be attending an interview, eventually you will have to face the public. It’s also difficult to get very far, either professionally or socially, without being able to speak well in public.

Speak With Confidence’ is a book for all levels of public speaking competency: beginner, intermediate and advanced. Written using several examples and powerful narration, this book is a wholesome learning material for public speaking. This book begins with the most essential component of public speaking - Confidence. The author explains the various ways in which readers can improve their confidence so that once they go on stage, they have no fear. Whether you want to improve your performance in sales, leadership, interpersonal skills, communications, presentations or customer service, you'll find resources here that perfectly work for you.

Public speaking can be a scary thing the first few times you try it, but people who speak often have a few tricks that help improve their performance. In this book you will learn how to prepare a winning speech, deliver it with maximum impact, and leave a lasting impression on the audience. More than what you speak, what is crucial is how you speak and hence delivery is the most important factor in public speaking.

Speak with Confidence” could answer many of your queries, anxieties and doubts about public speaking. The chapter on ‘Writing and Delivering a speech’ will help you to write and deliver a powerful speech. There are chapters on delivering impromptu speeches which will provide you tools, tips and strategies to speak at short notice anywhere. There are speeches for various occasions; you could use some of the strategies when you emcee or organize events at your work place, neighborhood or school.

Public speaking is an art that will always remain important and relevant to you, any time anywhere. The author shares his personal story of joining a Toastmasters club in Singapore to learn to speak to strangers on topics other than his professional subjects. Be amazed at how you can unleash your true potential and be able to enthrall, entertain, engage and enlighten any audience.

About the Author: Denny Joseph is an International Trainer, Career Coach, NLP Practitioner, Author, Toastmaster and a Marathon Runner. He began his career with the Indian Navy in 1987 and moved to Singapore in 2002 to train the Naval officers and Specialists of Republic of Singapore Navy, Royal Brunei Navy and Royal Oman Navy.

He is the founder of Genius Minds Academy, Bangalore and the co-founder of Nexus Training International (Singapore) and United Education & Training Pvt Ltd. He authored two books; ‘Design Your Destiny’ and ‘Speak with Confidence’. He also writes inspiring articles in regional and national periodicals like ‘The Teenager Today’ and ‘Voice of Ex-Servicemen’ Over the past three decades, Denny has amassed extensive training experience in Motivational Training, Leadership & Team Building, Public Speaking, NLP, Career Guidance and Staff Orientation. Currently he works with Business entities, Educational Institutions and NGOs across India and Overseas. Denny has been awarded the Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) accolade by Toastmasters International. He is a marathon runner and his marathon stories have inspired many.

Denny’s lucid and comprehensive style to effectively make use of various rhetoric tools, humor, stories, creativity and life instances bring his ideas to life. Subsequently, the learning experience becomes an academic pursuit. He does not stop at educating minds but often moves on to touch hearts and initiate transformation. His inimitable life story inspires and lends a hand for thousands of people to explore the hidden talents and thus unleash their potential. Speaking is his PASSION, Training is his LIFE and Writing is his Forte!


  • Paperback: 132 pages
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing; 1 edition (2019)
  • Author: Denny Joseph
  • ISBN-13: 9789389530759
  • Product Dimensions:  13.9 x 1 x 21.5 cm

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