Summarizing Psychology

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Summarizing Psychology is a preparation guide to help students acquire conceptual clarity about Psychology while avoiding complicated descriptions. Most books meant for exam preparation focus on practicing MCQs which do not help in information retention and therefore, are largely unhelpful. To solve this major problem, this book is meant for exam preparation with detailed yet consie notes as well as MCQs. The aim of the book is to familiarize the student with psychological concepts with bullent-point notes as they are concise and test their learning through MCQs.

About the Author: Bhasker Malu is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Psychology CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore. His reaserch interests are in Social Psychology and he works in an interdisciplinary space. His interests are in football, reading and writing.

Harishanakar Moosath is an Assistant Professor of Psychology and a Consultant Clinical Psychologist certified by the Rehabilitation Council of India. His areas of research interests include Neuropsychology and Neuroeconomics, He is also an avid traveler and a photographer.


  • Paperback: 144 pages
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing; 1 edition (2019)
  • Author: Bhasker Malu and Harishankar Moosath
  • ISBN-13: 9789389530469
  • Product Dimensions:  20.0 x 1 x 29.6 cm

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