Mastering The Future Today By Changing Paradigms

Mastering The Future Today By Changing Paradigms

  • ₹ 350.00

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Self-esteem is your child's passport to lifetime mental health and social happiness .It's the foundation of a child's well-being and the key to success as an adult.This book includes a description of the characteristics and consequences of children's interest-based participation in everyday learning activities. A framework illustrating how interest-based participation in everyday family and community activities promotes child learning and development is included. Strategies are described for identifying and using child interests as the basis for promoting learning and development. Though developing personality in children is a slow and steady process yet with proper patience parents can definitely get it through. This book will also help parents and teachers to learn more about how to promote children's personal and social development in terms of promoting children's self-awareness, self esteem, relationships with others, independence , social responsibility and Boost cognitive abilities and skills. This will make them believe that, "They are not limited and whatever mind can conceive and believe can be achieved". So that their future in terms of academicals, professional, physical, emotional , volitional, spiritual and relational life is in harmony with the real self and that will allow them to lead a balanced, fulfilled and significant life. 

  • Paperback: 256 pages
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing; First edition (2015)
  • Language: English
  • Author: Tariq Marghoob
  • ISBN-13: 978-8193078013
  • Product Dimensions: 14 x 21.6 x 1.5 cm

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