A Story Untold

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Anamika’s debut memoir, “A story untold,” has a deep story behind the life of the author which revolves around a woman struggling to be a successful professional despite the ill fate she encountered in her early days. This is a story which has not been shared publicly with anyone in her life. Not that people haven’t talked about their struggles in the past, but this one is special as it’s the authors own story. The supporting cast of characters in her memoir are all real people in her life.

Her known circle and the society saw in her only a reflection of their preconceived ideas of how a single woman should behave in the context of the Indian mindset and kept accusing and pointing fingers at the choices she made in her life. Anamika was not happy, she wasn’t happy in her marriage, she wasn’t happy with her circumstances. Having suffered a terrible divorce and breakups soon after, she was shattered. She didn’t know where to go and what to do and who to turn to – all she knew was that she wanted to run away from everything and everybody.

During the pandemic, Anamika meditated and asked herself- “what had I wanted apart from my professional career? ”During one such meditation sessions, her thoughts dwelt on what had transpired in her past. She made a bucket list of all that she could do in the rest of her life. One of the items on her bucket list was to write a story about her own life, “How about writing an autobiography?” She murmured, as if having a conversation with herself. It sounded like a plan, a good plan.

This is Anamika’s first experience in writing, but she has complete control of her story and her unique style which doesn’t confuse the reader albeit she makes it simple and easy for them to understand. Though it is the author’s first novel but it reads like she may have published many books over the years.

LinkedIn :anamika-gera
Instagram :gera.anamika
Twitter : @pinkschiks

About the Author: Anamika, a true Libran with an elite mindset and a firm believer in “Karma” is the author behind @A Story Untold.
By profession, she is a veteran in the field of Human Resource with a master’s degree in Human Resource Management. She has also completed her master’s in Literature owing to her interest for reading. Apart from being a double master’s, she also has to her credit, a certificate in Leadership and Change Management from IIM, one of the prestigious institutes of India.
Anamika prefers to have a few deep and close friends rather than a lot of superficial ones. An independent amazing single parent, who is always looking for possibilities and opportunities in her struggles. She grew up in the millennial city Gurgaon, although has her roots in Rajasthan.

Her own topsy-turvy life story has motivated her to write this memoir.

LinkedIn: anamika-gera
Instagram: gera.anamika
Twitter: @pinkschiks

  • Hardcover: 132 pages
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing; 1 edition (2022)
  • Author: Anamika
  • ISBN-13: 9781636405629
  • Product Dimensions:  5 x 1 x 8 Inch

Indian Edition available on:


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