Control of the Blood Glucose Level of Diabetic Patient
The main objective of the book is to design a digital PID controller for blood glucose level of diabetic patient which can inject external insulin to the patient in an accurate & controlled way. Blood sugar level of the patient is considered as input variable & injected insulin level is considered to be the output variable which is to be controlled. Approximate mathematical modeling of blood glucose level is also done. The coefficients of equation governing the relation between blood glucose level and insulin amount is known. A dynamic model is constructed & transfer function is defined for this system. The digital PID (Proportional-integral derivative) controller is designed to control the blood glucose level of diabetic patient which can inject external insulin. Using various tuning rules like Ziegler Nichols method, IPDT method, Cohen-Coon method, Astrom-Hagglund or AMIGO method and Chien-Hrones-Reswick (CHR) method the Proportional, Integral & Derivative coefficients of PID are determined. PID controllers are designed by using various tuning rules for examining the best performance in terms of different time response parameters like Overshoot, Settling time & rise time etc.
- Author: Er. Rohit Sharma & Er. Sumit Mohanty
- Pages:86
- Binding: Paperback
- Size: 8.5x11
- ISBN: 978-9386210104
- Publishing Date: Sep 8, 2016
- Category: Engineering
- Language: English
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