Applications of Derivatives

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This book has designed for the students of CBSE XI, XII and Intermediate. It will also be useful to the students who are preparing for IIT-JEE and various entrance examination for engineering course. This book will remove the difficulties of the students in learning the applications of derivatives. The aims of this book are a student can understand the subject through his self-study and a teacher can made the applications of derivatives easy to the students. The working rules are described to solve certain type of problems and a large number of problems relative to applications of derivatives are solved which enable the students the grasp the concepts of application of derivatives.

In this book we discussed geometrical interpretation of derivative, the relation between slope of tangent and the derivative, angle between two curves and orthogonal curves, errors and approximations , equations of tangent and normal, length of tangent, length of normal, length of sub-tangent, length of sub-normal, average rate of change, rectilinear motion. Increasing and decreasing functions, maxima, minima, first derivative test, second derivative test and maximum and minimum values of a continuous function on closed interval are also discussed in this book. Further, a large number of problems are solved on each topic, Rolle´s theorem and Lagrange’s theorem are discussed.

About the Author: Dr. K.Sambaiah obtained M.Sc., M.Phil. and Ph.D. in Mathematics from Kakatiya University, Warangal,Telangana State, India. He worked in this University from 1978-2013 at different levels such as Asst.Professor, Associate Professor and Professor of Mathematics. He obtained Gold Medal for getting highest marks in M.Sc. (Mathematics) and also obtained best teacher award in 2012 from the Government of Andhra Pradesh. He has co-authored more than 12 books and 35 research papers of his have been published in many national and international journals. He is author of recently published Numerical Methods. Presently he is working as Adjunct Professor (Mathematics) at Satavahana University, Karimnagar and Telangana State, India.


  • Paperback: 222 pages
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing; 1 edition (2021)
  • Author: Kandakatla Sambaiah
  • ISBN-13: 9781636401249
  • Product Dimensions:  5.5 x 1 x 8.5 Inch

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