Ben the Bear

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It was a bright morning; Ben was still lazing in his Cave.

Snugly tucked, hugging his favorite pillow. He was dreaming of food that he was gulping and savoring.

Outside the Cave, the Squirrels where gathered on a tree branch.

They were squeaking, squealing, whining, and yelping among themselves. Winter would set in soon, it’s hard to find food during the winter season, and they were running short of food supply.

Ben was disturbed with their squealing and whining; he got up from his sleep with a BIG yawn.

“Find another spot to have your gathering. You are disturbing my sleep,” yelled Ben at the Squirrels.

The Squirrels did not pay attention to Ben. They were busy quarreling and grumbling.

What happened after that was eventual.

The Bear and the Squirrels had a squeaky day, finally making up as good neighbour’s and helping each other out.

“One good deed deserves another.”

About the Author: As the first grandchild in a large family , my grandfather would spend most of his spare time with me. As a store keeper in the railways, he would often take me to the railway shunting yards where trains or locomotives would be parked for performance checks and service maintenance.

Down the years now that I have grown older and have a child of my own. I still remember, each night my toddler son Jaden would plead for a bedtime story and each night, like any other parents, ‘I’d make up my own bedtime fairy tale stories; he would listen attentively , interrupt and even reason with questions, silly ones mostly. He would get more excited than sleepy and would demand more. Many a times I would narrate the same short stories that I read from his collection of children’s story books. Now that my son is in his teens and I miss those wonderful days where ‘I’d re-live my childhood with him!

Memories are indeed our gift for life.

I always wanted to write children’s stories and let my imagination run wild.

  • Paperback: 40 pages
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing; 1 edition (2022)
  • Author: Salim K Luke
  • ISBN-13: 9781636404851
  • Product Dimensions:  5.5 x 1 x 8.5 Inches

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