Describing SELF - A Collection of Poems

Describing SELF - A Collection of Poems

  • ₹ 100.00

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Describing self describes the real self. The one that is common to all, that blurs the boundaries created by humankind. It’s the book that imbibes in itself quotes and short notes along with each poem that enhances the meaning of the poem and hints onto the theme of the poem.
It’s the SELF that is composed of emotions that lie hidden in every human being which surpasses every difference among people. From every little feeling, be it of endless delight in coffee or of your strange love for the belongings, to strong relationships, that account those with a friend or with your
dream. These emotions account themselves in the verses of this book, describing the self!!


  • Paperback: 102 pages
  • Publisher: White Falcon Self Publishing Platform (June 8, 2015); 1 edition 
  • Language: English
  • Author: Dolly Bansal
  • ISBN-13: 978-1943438679
  • Product Dimensions: 12.7 x 20.3 x 1 cm


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