Son of Man, A Study of the Four Gospels as Biographical Archetypes

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The focus of study in this work, “SON OF MAN: A study of the four gospels as biographical archetypes”, has been the New Testaments: the four Gospels.

The very title of this work indicates the purpose for which the entire treatise was attempted and realized. A sincere effort has been endeavored, to show how a good biographer brings his subject to life. But most importantly the first and foremost aim, is to present the Gospels as being the first significant biography, to be ever written, in the history of English language and literature.

Undoubtedly, it has been a challenging task to bring to light and reveal the real mystery that lurks in the personality of Jesus Christ though the objective here is not didactic, rather it’s educational.

This Study, after having surveyed the deep and impressive impact that the Bible has apparently made. One may come to the conclusion that in order to understand English literary world, one has to understand the Western mind and study the Bible which lies at the root of the European psyche, as indisputably it’s the storehouse of knowledge, myths and legends which all writes have freely utilized, at all times.

About the Author: Dr. Ghazala Ambrin is the author of this literary treatise, “SON OF MAN: A Study of the Four Gospels as Biographical Archetypes.” She is an Indian teaching in the University of Jazan which is situated in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as a Professor of English Literature. Her interests lie deeply rooted in Literature. Actually she has been impassioned by the especial esteem and admiration that she has for Shakespeare and English literature overall.

Although this is her first book but irrefutably, it is a thought-provoking enterprise, as the Bible is considered to be a book from the Heaven, a word of God; hence to present it as a Biographical Archetype, it indeed needs a lot of erudition and learning, even persistence and courage,

She has already been published in the European Academic Research: International Multidisciplinary Research Journal which is in itself an esteemed achievement. She is determined to carry on with the task of writing on challenging issues.

The educational background of Dr, Ghazala Ambrin especially her PhD topic on: Shakespearean Criticism: A Comparative Study of the Contributions of the New Critics and their Predecessors A.C. Bradley and E.E. Stoll provides her with a broad base from which to approach many literary topics.

She just enjoys writing!


  • Paperback: 150 pages
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing; 1 edition (2020)
  • Author: Dr. Ghazala Ambrin Khanam
  • ISBN-13: 9789389932966
  • Product Dimensions:  15.2 x 1 x 22.8 cm

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