Take Me Home

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The second-hand experience of the author lured her into writing about the subject of Migration. The book emphasizes on how migration came in India, highlights popular mass movements around the world, migrants’ conditions, and the reasons they became one. It provides an account on the different rationale that prompted the Society to label migrants as outsiders, disseminate racism and never accepted them despite living in a country for a prolonged period.

Covid-19 has notably been tough for all of us, but far harsher for the migrants who travelled many miles either by foot, overpopulated trucks and buses to reach back their hometowns. This prompted the author to target and write about the migration during the pandemic times and trace the history of India and the world’s migration. The book elaborates on the present and suspected movements in the future.

Each new chapter puts forth a fresh new perspective about the different migration categories and tells the history of migrants that is easy to comprehend by a layperson. The book is written in such a way that it inspires social change and creates awareness about an issue prevalent in society.

It focuses on the harsh reality and the groundbreaking circumstances which cast an effect on society. It casts a light on various instances where a reader feels the struggles of migrants in first hand. Whether it brings changes in cultural identity or the horrifying experience of being chased by Border Patrol to escape from one’s native country to what they think might be a country full of opportunities.

About the Author: Gurnika Kaur is a 17 year old student of DPS RK Puram. Her hometown is the embezzling city of New Delhi, India. She was born into an upper class, close-knitted family. Since her childhood, she has always been keen on writing short stories of different genres, like mystery or fiction.

She also has a zest to explore nature. As a result, she takes part in many treks on the beautiful Himalayan ranges; it is safe to say that nature brings her peace. Moreover, she is an excellent orator regularly taking part in MUNs. She has a keen interest in mathematics. Consequently, she plans to study courses related to this in the near future. Promptness in decision making has been her strong suit, often displaying managerial skills in school clubs.

An avid reader, as she is, her inspiration comes from the people around her. Gurnika has always indulged in social work. As a result, she understands the grievances of the economically weaker section of the society. In her pastime, she prefers to listen to different symphonies or genres of music like classical symphonies, sometimes heavy metal or old Hollywood music. Her book focuses on the issues migrants have dealt with and why do they still deal with it.


  • Paperback: 48 pages
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing; 1 edition (2020)
  • Author: Gurnika Kaur
  • ISBN-13: 9781636400136
  • Product Dimensions:  12.7 x 1 x 20.3 cm

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