The Most Powerful Habit
The world is full of wisdom, the wisdom of nature and of those who have lived before us, great men and women who learned how to fulfil their dreams and leave the world a better place than they found it. In order to imbibe this wisdom we must live in a state of open-mindedness, and we must practice the most powerful habit of all: learning.
Until this moment you might have thought of learning as a desire or an action, or a mere task undertaken to accomplish a specific goal. But learning is much more than that: it is a way of life, a philosophy of thought, and when practiced regularly and under the right conditions - it is the most powerful habit of all, that will transform you and the world you inhabit. Let me show you how to develop this habit.
In this journey of learning how to learn, you will encounter many great thinkers and doers of our time. Pay attention to their words. And on every page, you will encounter yourself, in your own response to their words. So pay attention to your thoughts. You will learn what you desire, and by the end of this book, you will understand how to develop a state of mind that will be conducive to fulfilling your dreams and keeping you steady through life's ups and downs.
As you embark on this journey of personal and professional fulfillment, keep in your thoughts the serenity prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.
- Paperback: 343 pages
- Publisher: White Falcon Publishing ; 1 edition (2017)
- Author: Prabhat Chadha
- ISBN-13: 9781947293243
- Product Dimensions: 15.2 x 2 x 22.9 cm
Indian Edition available on:
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