The Social Animal.co.in
If you wish to make this world a better place to live in and consider social media to be an able method to be adopted for the change, this book is for you. You normally do not find many books in Hindi literature touching the themes of Science and Technology’; Social media as the base for a book is almost unheard of. However, the percentage of Hindi speaking people getting accustomed to social media channels like Twitter, Facebook is increasing day by day. And we feel that everything is going fine and we are becoming more social, but is it really so? ‘The Social Animal.co.in’ revolves around this important question. It is the story of a young village lad ‘Kisna’ who, engulfed in the whirlpool of love, passion, pain, fear, loneliness, hope, lands in a totally different world across the seven seas. It is a lesson that will warn and guide the current generation from the gravity of the impact social media can have on our lives.
- Paperback: 158 pages
- Publisher: White Falcon Self Publishing Platform; 1 edition (2015)
- Author: Sameer Ranjan
- Language : Hindi
- ISBN-13: 978-1943851270
- Product Dimensions: 14.8 x 0.8 x 21 cm
Indian Edition available on:
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